Monday - 19:30 to 21:30 Adults and juniors from the ages of eight years
Friday - 19:30* Juniors ages eight to thirteen years
Friday - 20:00 to 22:00 Adults and juniors from the age of thirteen years
*Amended time due to concrete issue at the Centre
Due to concrete issues please read the notes on the Home page as we are operating with amended times
Adult Member (Fees as at March 2019)
- Fee £32.00 per month (For Active Armed Forces Member £27.00 per month)
- Preferred payment method of payment is standing order or electronic banking
- Over 18 years of age
- May attend the club on Monday 19:30 to 21:30 and Friday 20:00 to 22:00
- Coaching from one of the club’s coaches
- Coaching with professional coach at additional cost paid directly to the coach
- Voting rights at AGM etc.
Student Member (Junior)
- Fee £27.00 per month
- Preferred payment method of payment is standing order or electronic banking
- Aged between 8 and 18 years of age
- Aged 13 years to 18 may attend Monday 19:30 to 21:30 and Friday 20:00 to 22:00
- Aged 8 to 13 years* may attend Monday 19:30 to 20:30 and Friday 19:00 to 21:00
- Coaching from one of the club’s coaches
*Limited to fencing members up to and including the age of U13
Family member
- Fee £59.00 per month
- Preferred payment method of payment is standing order or electronic banking
- Available to any family of two or more people
- Membership rights and benefits are equal to that family members individual equivalent Adult/Student membership
Visitor Adult
- Fee £8.00 per session
- Payable on the night on arrival to Membership Secretary
- No guarantee of coaching
- No voting rights
- Other terms as Adult Member
- Restricted to six visits per year#
- Must complete visitors book
Visitor Student
- Fee £7.00 per session
- Payable on the night on arrival to the membership Secretary
- No guarantee of coaching
- Other terms as Student Member
- Restricted to six visits per year#
- Must complete visitors book
# If restriction exceeded individual will have to gain membership to the club
Saturday Club
- For membership rates see dedicated Saturday Club page
Established in 1975 the caters for both adults and juniors with different sessions during the week. We fence foil, epee and sabre has just been reintroduced to the club. We try to be as inclusive as possible and have both competitive and recreational fencers amongst our ranks. The sport also offers a different way to improve your fitness.
New members are always welcome either email the club or just pop along to one of our sessions, your first one is free!
Colchester & District Fencing Club (CADS)
- You will need to join the British Fencing Association (BFA). This is important as this is how you are insured while undertaking the sport, Copy the web address below to become a member
- You will be expected to obtain your own equipment/clothing. For juniors we expect this in the first twelve months and for adults and those wishing to attend competition we would expect this to be completed much quicker.
- The club does have equipment available for use but it should be remembered this is for the use of beginners
- If you or your child wish to take the BFA Achievement Awards (Levels one to six) let your coach know
- If you need further information please ask us
- There maybe occasions when the club will have to close at short notice, such as if there was a power cut at the Centre or in very bad weather. In such cases notification will first be posted on the front page of the website.
Club T Shirts etc. Club T Shirts and the like are now available to order direct from the supplier. Just visit -
Colchester and District Fencing Club
The club recognises that the welfare of all its members is essential and that we all have a duty of care while they are in our charge. We therefore aim to provide a safe and caring environment whilst they attend the club or activities in which the club is involved.
The club and its members will adopt, and up hold the procedures and guidelines as issued by the British Fencing Association (BFA) to which the club and members must be affiliated. Details can be found on the BFA website.
Our Welfare Officer for both the Weekday and Saturday Clubs is –
Charlotte Irias
Our coaches have also undergone safeguarding training.
A copy of the Club’s policies, documentation and procedures are also submitted to Colchester Borough Council who run our sports centre.
This information and contact details can be found on the club’s noticeboard.
This text also appears on the Welfare page